Is Amazon an AI Sleeping Giant?

Featuring New AWS Announcements, Generative AI Job Listings Up, New Midjourney features and More.

Good morning and happy Friday, AI explorers!

Welcome to another edition of AI Authority, delivering all of the top groundbreaking AI news shaping our world into a bite-sized newsletter every weekday morning.

As always, we’ve got one daily AI headline, two exciting tools, and three pieces of content we love from the community for you today.

In this edition:

✍️ News: Amazon’s Latest AI Announcements
🛠️ Tools: Recast, Midjourney (V5.2 now out!)
🎨 Creator Corner: Celebrity Barbie Dolls, Google Docs AI Demo, Generating Numbers in Midjourney

Let’s dive in 👇

One top headline in the AI space to know:

📦 Amazon Dives Deeper into Generative AI with a $100M Center

While the likes of Google, Microsoft/OpenAI, and Meta have dominated the AI headlines, a sleeping giant may have started to awaken over the last few weeks.

On Thursday, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a $100M allocation towards a new center to aid businesses in utilizing generative AI technology — a potential signal that the second biggest corporation in the world may be ready to step into the AI limelight.

The program plans to help AWS customers build and create new products using generative AI tools with workshops and trainings, while also linking them with experts to help better leverage the technology.

While some have perceived the company as moving slower than the competition, Amazon Web Services CEO Adam Selipsky likened the race in the generative AI field to the early stages of a marathon — it's less about who's leading at the moment, and more about staying in the game.

“You ask yourself the question — where are the different runners three steps into a 10K race?" Selipsky said. “Does it really matter? The point is, you’re three steps in, and it’s a 10K race.”

The AI race has some stiff competition.

The $100M investment comes on the heels of Amazon's other AI news revealed last week — that the e-commerce giant has begun using AI to generate summaries of customer reviews for selected listings.

Can the online retail behemoth translate its AI commitments into a leading role in this high-stakes tech race?

Only time will tell, but as Selipsky mentioned above — the marathon has only just begun.

Still hungry for more AI headlines? Some other news that caught our eye:

— US-Based Generative AI Job Listings Up 20% in May (link)
— Cybersecurity Expert on How to Protect Family From AI Scams (link)
— Emotion-Reading AI Assists Those With Autism (link)
— How AI is Changing the Way We Interact With Machines (link)
— Judge Sanctions Lawyers For AI-Written Brief With Fake Citations (link)

Two AI-powered platforms to add to your toolbox:

  • Recast — Turn articles into entertaining, informative audio conversations (link)

  • Midjourney — Powerful text-to-image generator (link)

Midjourney’s new V5.2 is now available, with some cool new features:

Three of our favorite tweets, threads, AI generations and more:

Celebrities as barbie dolls, via Reddit user ParisHilton42069 (what a name):

A nice demo of the new AI tools now directly available in Google Docs. Mass adoption incoming:

Having trouble getting numbers to generate correctly in your outputs? Looks like we have a solution — we can’t wait until reliable text comes next!

Have a good weekend!

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