AI Can Read Your Mind 🔮

Open for 1 Major AI Story, 2 Tools to Try, and 3 Community Creations 📰

Good morning, AI explorers!

What? AI Authority on a Tuesday?

Exciting news — we’re shifting our newsletter content a bit, with a new daily roundup of the AI space coming Monday-Thursday. With so much happening in the AI world, one day a week didn’t do it justice!

We’ll be bringing you a 1:2:3 model — one daily AI headline, two exciting tools, and three pieces of content we love from the community.

The larger, more in-depth edition will still run every Friday morning. We hope you enjoy the new daily dose of AI!

Let’s dive in 👇

P.S. — We added a few new sections to our website to keep you even more informed on the latest in AI:

  • Daily News Report — never miss a moment of the action with a roundup of all our Twitter posts.

  • AI Community — a curated list of all the top creators in the space, including resources for ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other great newsletters to check out.

One top headline in the AI space to know:

🔮 AI Mind Reader

Did you think text-to-image or video was wild? How about mind-to-video?

Get your tin-foil hats on, because AI might be interpreting your brain waves very soon.

Mind-Video, a groundbreaking technology, reconstructs videos from human brain activity, providing a deeper understanding of our cognitive processes. It uses advanced methods to convert continuous brain data into high-quality videos of any frame rate, significantly improving upon previous methods.

Watch the demonstration video below:

Still hungry for more AI headlines? Some other news that caught our eye this week:

— Meta Breaking Down Language Barriers with AI (link)
— Rise of RoboDocs? What AI Diagnostics Have in Store (link)
— US University Gets $20M to Create New AI Institute  (link)
— AI Pentagon Blast Fools Internet (link)
— Google’s AI-enables Flood Forecasting Goes Global (link)

Two AI-powered platforms to add to your toolbox:

  • Drag Your GAN — Drag to effortlessly edit images using AI (link)

  • ChatGPT Mobile — OpenAI’s chatbot, now available on the go (link)

Three of our favorite tweets, threads, AI generations and more:

A cautionary tale from this weekend’s 60 Minutes. Be careful of AI-based scams:

It looks like Japan is embracing the AI wave:

Some fun math/science prompts to incorporate into your next generation:

P.S. — Watch this weekend’s episode of Succession? We reimagined your favorite characters as fitness models: